Hamilton's LC-MS in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring eBook

Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
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More about LC-MS in TDM

What's In the eBook?

The efficacy and clinical utility of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) rely on the specific, sensitive, and reproducible measurement of analytes. Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) has emerged as an attractive alternative to traditional immunoassays. There are several commercial CE-IVD-certified tests for TDM on the market. However, most automated methods are currently run as Laboratory-Developed Tests (LDTs). 

We believe that LC-MS has the potential to become the gold standard for TDM. Therefore, we have collaborated with Chromsystems to develop the MassSTAR, a CE-IVD-certified automated solution that will soon (in 2023) also be compliant with IVDR.

Chapters included in this eBook:

Exploring the Role of LC-MS in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
why do we need automation-1
Sample Prep for LC-MS: Why Do We Need Automation?
What Hamilton Can Offer - Upcoming IVD-R MassSTAR with Chromsystems

About Hamilton


Hamilton Company

Hamilton Company specializes in the development, manufacturing and customization of precision measurement devices, automated liquid handling workstations, and sample management systems

    Hamilton Robotics

Hamilton Robotics provides solutions for fully automated workflows. Our automated liquid handler workstations provide consistent results for assays, ranging from low-throughput pipetting protocols to high-throughput systems with integrated sample storage.